

It is an open-source platform that simplifies the development and deployment of privacy-compliant LLM apps.


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Zep AI is an open-source platform that revolutionizes the development and deployment of large language model (LLM) applications. It provides a comprehensive toolkit for managing chat history, performing semantic search, enhancing data, and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations. It seamlessly integrates with various LLM frameworks and offers a user-friendly API for integration into existing applications.

Features of Zep

  • Chat History Management: Effectively store, manage, and retrieve chat history for LLM applications, enabling context-aware interactions and improved user experiences.
  • Vector Search Engine: Perform semantic search across chat histories and documents, filtering results based on metadata, named entity extraction, and intent analysis for enhanced search relevancy.
  • Data Enrichment: Extract meaningful insights from chat histories and other data sources, providing enriched prompts for LLM applications and improving their understanding of user interactions.
  • Privacy Compliance: Adhere to corporate and regulatory records retention mandates, comply with privacy regulations like CCPA and GDPR, and facilitate fulfillment of “Right to Be Forgotten” requests.
  • LLM Framework Compatibility: Integrate seamlessly with popular LLM frameworks like LangChain and LlamaIndex, and utilize Python and TypeScript SDKs for custom LLM applications.


  • Streamlined LLM Application Development: Accelerate the development and deployment of LLM applications by providing a centralized platform for managing chat history, performing semantic search, enriching data, and ensuring privacy compliance.
  • Enhanced Chatbot Interactions: Empower chatbots and agents with enriched chat history and extracted insights, enabling more personalized, context-aware interactions and improved user satisfaction.
  • Advanced Semantic Search Capabilities: Facilitate efficient and relevant search across chat histories and documents, enabling users to quickly find the information they need.
  • Robust Privacy Compliance: Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and corporate records retention policies, safeguarding sensitive user information.
  • Flexible Integration with LLM Frameworks: Integrate it seamlessly into existing LLM applications, leveraging its capabilities to enhance the functionality and performance of various LLM frameworks.

Use Cases

  • Building Conversational AI Applications: Develop intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants that engage in natural and personalized conversations with users.
  • Enhancing Customer Support Services: Provide customers with self-service support through AI-powered chatbots, enabling them to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.
  • Powering Knowledge Base Search: Implement it’s semantic search capabilities to power knowledge bases and enable users to find relevant information quickly and easily.
  • Developing Personalized User Experiences: Create personalized recommendations, product suggestions, and content curation based on user interactions and preferences.
  • Analyzing User Feedback and Sentiment: Analyze customer feedback and sentiment to identify trends, improve products or services, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Overall, Zep AI stands as a transformative platform for LLM application development, providing developers with a comprehensive toolkit to build intelligent, personalized, and privacy-compliant applications. Its ability to manage chat history, perform semantic search, enrich data, and ensure compliance makes it an invaluable asset for powering a wide range of LLM applications across various industries.

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